Wednesday, April 4, 2012

17weeks (4.4.2012)

     Yesterday was a very big day for us. We found out the gender of the baby. Along with all the baby's organs and anatomy was checked.
     I can tell you this, I thought that day would never come. For multiple reasons. I was afraid of something happening before we made it to the appointment. And second I just felt like it was going to drag and drag an drag. When the appointment was set back on Feb 22nd I thought to myself "this time is going to go by so slow." Well, it got to the week before and I was then thinking to myself, "WOW, this time really did go by faster than I thought. I only have one more week to see my peanut." My appointment was at 3:30pm. The day before the appointment I was not able to get any sleep and I was beginning to get so nervous. I was having mixed feelings about the appointment. I was filled with excitement and over come with joy, I felt scared and nervous that something was going to be wrong and I also was angry and upset that we didn't make it this far with our 1st angel baby.  But I knew God had his plan and had it all worked out. Well, the morning of the appointment came and the whole day just was going so slow and dragging worse than the past week. My nerves we so on edge and I literally could not stay sitting down as hard as I tried. I had to be doing something. Most of the time I just walked around my apartment.
     Steve finally arrived home to go to the appointment. We were both excited and nervous. As we are waiting in the waiting room for my name to be called I remembered that we forgot the DVD-R for the u/s to be recorded on. I FREAKED out. Steve rushed down to the gift shop to see if they had any and just our luck the shop was closed. We decided to ask the U/S tech if we could record it on our phone. Just so happens the day the ultrasound tech is running late is the day of our BIG appointment. We got called back and I almost started crying instantly. Luckily, Gale (u/s tech) had a bunch of the DVD-R and gave us one. THANK GOODNESS!!! She began the u/s. After 2 sec she then decided to discuss what all was going to happen during this u/s and she said "I already know what you are having I just need to know if you are wanting to know" We said, "Of course we want to know but are you going to make us wait until the end to tell us?" Her response was, "I don't know, Maybe..........(after like 5 sec of a pause) she said "You are having a BOY!!" I began crying even harder than before and we hugged for a second.
     To be honest I had a feeling it was a boy but was not going to get my hopes up and we wanted to have a boy first. But our mindset was as long as the baby was healthy that was all that mattered to us. And he is healthy. Every organ is where it should be and working as it should be. She explained the process of some things and it is just so unreal and amazing.
     We got some GREAT pictures of our son. There are 2 pictures where he is showing off his tiny bicep muscles.
     I have my next pre-natal visit on May 1st. This ultrasound was supposed to be my last one that insurance paid for. But of course I had the option of doing the 3d/4d optional u/s which is $200. We we contemplating on doing that or not. But my OB doc told me that he wants me to come back for a medical necessary u/s in min of 8wks. He wants to take another look at my placenta. He said it was thinner than what they want but that it was nothing to really worry about. I may experience some spotting but that I just need to call the office first and not freak out. So since when I come in to get that done I will be far enough along to have the optional 4d they are going to include it and give it to me half price. So we are not going to pass that up.
     We have both just been on cloud 9 since yesterday. Went over and told his parents (I called mine) and told his nanny and then drove over to tell his Aunt and Uncle and last visited his brother on his lunch break to tell him the news that he is going to be a uncle and he is going to have a nephew. He was thrilled!!! My dad is out of town and my mom lives too far to drive which is why I called. But everyone is super excited. Now that we finally know the gender everyone keeps asking about picking out names. We have some in mind but nothing set in stone yet. Once we offically decide then everyone will know. But we are not going to rush it and it s something that we are going to decide together without the opinion of others. Which is why are are not telling anyone the names that we have in mind either right now. Which is NO OFFENSE to anyone!!
     My hormones have for sure been in high gear the past week. I am ready for them to level out but not so sure when that or IF that will happen. But thank goodness the nausea has subsided. Yes there are days that I do get sick but not near as bad or as often as I was the 1st trimester.
     Well, it is lunch time for me and little peanut. I will update everyone soon.
-Rebekah and baby boy Cross

16wks, 4days

He is showing off his muscles already.


Hi Mom and Dad, I'm a BOY!!!!!

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