Tuesday, May 22, 2012

24wks (5.22.2012)

     Well, it has been a while since I last posted. But I have been a busy bee and spending quality time with my husband and family. Since here soon we will have out little one that will be occupying our time together. But we have been enjoying every second of it!
     Today marks my start of my 24th week. Only 16 more weeks to go. Man we sure can't wait for September to hurry up. I celebrated my first Mother's day this year. Yes I know my little one has not made his appearance yet but I have been a mother since I conceived our first angel baby who beat us home last year.  My wonderful husband gave me a baby book for Mother's day. That way I can start on it (since it has things pertaining to my pregnancy and stuff about Mommy and Daddy in it. I absolutely love it! I can't wait until Father's day. Man do I have something in store for him! Simple yet meaningful. I am actually starting on it today. I am making it my PLAN to start on it!
     The past few weeks I have spent it with family. I had some family fly in from overseas and my grandparents were in town. So Steve and I were spending as much time as we could with them. We sure do love our family. Our family has never been better. Yes there are quirks and those who we have out wall up and don't spend time with. But we both love our family.
     There has not been too many changes with the pregnancy since I last posted. Other than my belly is getting bigger (got to check out my FB page for weekly updates on that). I have been experiencing what is called "round ligament pain" which is basically all the muscles and stiff stretching in preparation for my ever growing son and belly. I have also begun to experience Braxton Hicks contractions. They are NOT painful at all. More annoying than anything. Literally your whole belly gets tight for a few min. However the Braxton Hicks along with the round ligament pain can be pretty painful together. One or the other it is not so bad. But joy and love of pregnancy. I have FINALLY began using the body pillow to try and help me get comfortable at night to sleep. It honestly does not really help much and we are thinking of getting me one of the Boppy Body pregnancy pillows. Hoping that it will help me get some sleep finally.
     We get to see our son for the last time until he is born on June 5th. This is when they will be doing the 4d ultrasound. I am so excited and can't wait. I think my daddy will be going with us to that appt. I will also be taking the glucose test that day as well. And after that appt I will start going in every 2weeks to be checked. WOW I can't believe it is already that close that I am having to go every 2 weeks now. Soon enough it will be every week and then BABY TIME!!!! After our appt on the 5th we will finally be per-registering at the maternity wing. Get that out of the way for when he decides to come we don't have to do that. And I am going to be making appointments to go interview pediatricians so Hubby and I can decide on which one we are going to choose to be  his pediatrician. I have a whole page of questions that I want answered. Which the answers will help in our final decision.
     Well, it is time for this mommy to get up and do a few things before my morning snack! Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Until next time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

21wks (5.2.2012}

    I know I've been slacking on posting again. But I've just had lots going on and been too busy.
     Yesterday marked 21wks. WOW..... I can't believe I'm already almost 6months. Where has the time gone? We have officially decided on a name for our son. His name is Jason Nathaniel Cross. We love it and it has a strong meaning. We wanted to include a name that meant miracle (for boy or girl). Since back in '09 I was told I couldn't get pregnant naturally. And if I was to get pregnant I would need medical assistance. Well, here we are on my 2nd natural pregnancy (without medical assistance). Yes we lost our first baby girl. Which has been rough, but she was too prefect for this world. Plus, God needed/wanted her with him to watch over her mommy and daddy (and now her baby brother). We still miss her every day and me with these hormones I cry a lot both for missing her and other things.
     But, to get back on track about his name. Jason means "healer". I kind of think him coming into our lives has helped us heal a little bit more. We will never fully been healed from our loss. And Nathaniel has 2 meanings. First off, it means "Gift from God/ miracle". So there is that meaning we wanted. But it is also a form of Nathan. And a very close friend of the family/brother to me was killed in Iraq in 2005 and his name was Nathan/Nate. He was and is my hero. So, to us our son has a very strong, meaningful name. Can't wait to meet him!!

     But onto what has gone on since my last blog. He has grown of course. Which means my belly has grown with him. I've got more energy than what I had in the 1st trimester. That's always nice. With the energy I for sure take advantage of it by cleaning. I'm going to be starting a few crafts in the next day or so. I'm going to be designing and making letters for his room to match the colors of the nursery we picked out. I'll also be doing one for myself (just because I can... Lol). There is so much I want to do for his room (make that is). But I have to decide what my favs are. But I enjoy how he is already consuming my time before he is even here. I LOVE IT!!! Steve and I also went on our "babymoon" in April. We went to North Carolina for about a week. It even snowed while we were up there. Which was such a great experience to get to spend together. It was our last major vacation before Jason arrives. While we were up there we also celebrated our 1yr wedding anni. Can't believe we have already been married a year but together for a year and a half. It's awesome. And we have been through so much together and still going and growing strong. Still feels like the beginning and no finish line in site (like we both saw in previous relationships)(mainly him with his last few; including his previous marriage he could see the "finish line" or feel the want and see the split up coming soon at about 8-10mo in). A week after our anni we celebrated my 25th birthday!! Woo hoo for lower car ins!! And this week my family from Cebu, Phillipines came in and are are until December!
     I was experiencing some pains so I called my OB so we could discuss them at my monthly visit. He wanted me to come in to be seen. Joy of kidney stones. I have had them before and I HATE them. They hurt!! But baby is fine. And that is all that matters.

     You know it really is true that you find out who your friends are when you are pregnant. I mean there are other situations where you find that out. But to me it's more so when you are pregnant. Which really kind of sucks. But then again I guess it's ok. Get those crappy friends out of my life. LOL....

     We have officially decided on the colors for his nursery. We are not doing a theme (monkey, jungle, trucks, pooh, etc). Simple, pretty/handsome colors and design. The crib is paid off!! Finally.... There are so many different things to think about with a baby. It's sometimes overwhelming.
     Our next OB appt is in June. They are going to do a whole bunch of stuff at this appt. They are doing a ultrasound to check my placenta and doing the 4D one too. Along with other fun jazzy stuff. Totally sarcasm there.

     Oh, and I started baby sitting for my friends kids a few days a week. I love it. They keep me busy and on my toes that's for sure.

     But, think it's time for this blog to come to an end. Until next time.