Saturday, February 4, 2012

The journey begins (2.4.12)

     I figured this would be a fun way to keep track of the things that I experience during pregnancy along with posting pictures.
     This is actually my 2nd baby. We lost our 1st very early into the pregnancy. It was very painful experience to go through. But we made it through. My husband and I were not sure if we were ready for kids when we first found out we were expecting. We got excited and were looking forward to being parents. Then the worst happened. Needless to say we lost her the day before the ultrasound and day before my birthday. We got stronger together and pulled each other through. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of her. We then knew we were ready to be parents. So we decided to continue trying.
     I found out on Jan 5, 2012 that we were expecting our 2nd baby. I knew it weeks before but wanted to wait to be sure. I took 5 home tests and also did the blood work with my OB. The results of my blood work was even better than when I found out about the first baby. So we knew this baby is going to be different. And it already is. We are trying to not get as excited for a few more weeks though. Just for fear of losing it.
     I am currently going on 9wks (lost the 1st baby at 7wks). My due date is Sept 11, 2012. We had a scare the beginning of the week and went to the er just to be safe and gey checked. Everything was fine but we didn't get to see any pictures. Our 1st u/s (ultrasound) was Wednesday Feb 1st. We got to see the little peanut and hear the heart beat. I cried at the appointment. It was such an overwhelming feeling. So amazing. The baby has a strong heart beat of 162 beats a min. I recorded the heart beat and listen to it everyday. I can say that we are both more excited after the 1st appt than we were. We actually heard the heart beat and got to see the baby. OMG it was and is so amazing. I have a tiny human growing each day inside of me. It's a true miracle.
     My symptoms are for sure different than our first baby. That pregnancy I only had the sore boobs. This baby I have the sore boobs (going on 3mos sore), morning/day/night sickness, and emotional roller coaster already. I cry at almost anything sad on the tv or radio. But I also can't bring myself to change the channel or station. I guess you can say I have a micro baby bump growing. Its so cute and small. Weekly stomach pictures to start at 12wks. I have had such a hard time keeping food down that my diet is a bland food diet. Everything else either comes up 2min later or tastes so bad I feel like throwing up. Everything has a iron taste to it. Not good. My OB put me on phenagren for my nausea. It puts me right to sleep. I have been sleeping more. But I guess that comes with being a human incubator carrying a tiny human.
     It is time for this prego to try and get something to eat. Promise there will be more posts soon. And pictures too. Going to try and least do weekly updates. Think this is going to be fun!!!
     I decided to post the very first u/s picture. You can see the arms and the bump right under the letter H in here is where the legs will develop. It's about the size of a teddy graham cookie right now. I tear up looking at this picture. Good, happy, excited tears.

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